法律翻译 | 《纽约大学法律评论》第95卷第3期摘要+目录

法律翻译 | 《纽约大学法律评论》第95卷第3期摘要+目录


译者 | 李怿哲 北京大学法本

一审 | 刘寅    西南政法大学LL.M.

二审 | 岳文豪 上海交通大学硕士

编辑 | 王妮茜 新疆农业大学本科

         邵娅绮 浙江工商大学本科

责编 | 戚琳颖 大连海事大学本科



Complexity, Judgment, and Restraint - Gerard E. Lynch



I am honored to have been asked to give this year’s James Madison Lecture. I hesitate to single out any of my extraordinary predecessors at this podium—there are too many great judges to list, and too much risk of slighting any. So I will note only that the list includes both judges for whom I clerked more than forty years ago, Justice William J. Brennan, Jr., and Chief Judge Wilfred Feinberg, of the court on which I now serve. That long-ago law clerk could not have dreamed of being someday in a position once occupied by those two giants of my current profession: the art and craft of judging.

被邀请进行今年的詹姆斯·麦迪逊系列演讲[1],我感到非常荣幸。我不敢在这个讲台上例举我的杰出前辈——有太多伟大的法官无法列出,也有太多忽视任何一位的风险。因此,我只想指出这一名单所包含的我四十多年前为其做过书记员的两位法官:William J. Brennan, Jr., 和我现在任职法院的首席法官Wilfred Feinberg。那个多年以前的书记员不会想到有一天他也在曾被这两位卓越法官所占据的地方拥有一席之地,而在这个位置上需要充分运用审判的艺术和技巧。

That profession, that art, is under considerable pressure today. In the legal academy, there has long been a body of thought that sees the work of judges as a mere mask for the exercise of raw power. Increasingly, our political leaders act as if to reinforce the message of critical theorists, and their actions may help to turn that message from a theory to a reality. The press cannot seem to report the decision of a federal court on a matter of political significance without identifying the judges who made it by the political party of the President who appointed them. The general public, which has tended to rate the judiciary highest among the three branches of our government, seems increasingly skeptical. And indeed, whenever I speak to nonlawyers about what judges do, their questions often seem to assume that when confronted with questions that touch on controversial issues of public policy, the role of the judge is simply to decide what is the best rule— by which of course the questioner means “to reach the outcome that [the questioner thinks] is [ideologically or politically] correct.”


If politicians, editorialists, and law students seem to expect judges to decide cases based on their political preferences, judges speaking out in defense of judicial independence often take an opposite, but equally simplistic, tack: resorting to metaphors that seem to strip judges of judgment, as if judges could be replaced by something like the “K-zone” computer that television baseball commentators use to critique the performance of umpires. Other judges retreat to a set of formalistic rules that (an informed but cynical citizen might observe) produce, with suspicious regularity, results that correspond to the policy preferences of one political party. It is not a good time for nuance and complexity, but nuance and complexity is what, for good or ill, I have to offer this evening.



I want to speak about a jurisprudential question that was a hot academic topic when I was a young lawyer: whether there are correct answers to difficult questions of law. I caution that I am not a professional philosopher of law, and so I approach this topic not from deep theoretical premises but from the experience of many years of trying to make sense of concrete legal problems, as a practicing lawyer and judge, as well as a legal academic. The answers I will propose, I am afraid, are somewhat personal, and are rooted not in jurisprudential first principles, but in what it feels like, at least for me, to act as a judge.


The debate over right answers was often formulated, in the era of my youth, as one aspect of a debate between two formidable legal philosophers, the then-established eminence H.L.A. Hart and the then-upstart Ronald Dworkin, later to grace the faculty of this law school. Hart had contended that the system of rules created by legislation and precedent left a considerable number of questions open to judicial lawmaking, where the judge must exercise judgment and discretion. As he put it, “at the margin of rules and in the fields left open by the theory of precedents, the courts perform a rule-producing function . . . very like the exercise of delegated rule-making powers by an administrative body.” In contrast, Dworkin argued that this theory was inadequate, and proposed what he contended was a “better theory”: “that even when no settled rule disposes of the case, one party may nevertheless have a right to win.” That disagreement was part of a much broader jurisprudential debate, which long pre-dates Hart and Dworkin, and has continued in the decades since I encountered it in Dworkin’s book, concerning the relationship between law and morality. As I’ve noted, I am not qualified to enter that broader debate. I want to address only the humbler question of how a working judge struggles with the many questions that confront him or her in deciding actual cases.

在我年轻的时代,上述辩论经常被归纳为两位令人钦佩的法哲学家间的辩论:一位是当时的杰出人物哈特(H.L.A Hart),一位是后起之秀德沃金(Ronald Dworkin),他们后来都为这所法学院的教员名单增添了一抹鲜亮的色彩。哈特认为,由立法活动与判例创造的规则体系为“法院立法”遗留了相当多的问题。在这些问题上,法官必须行使裁量权作出判决。正如他指出的,“在规则的边缘、在先例领域留下空白之地,法院具有创制规则的职能……正如行政机关行使授权制定规则的权力。”相反,德沃金认为这一理论并不充分,并提出了他认为更好的理论:“即使没有既定的规则处理案件,一方仍有权胜诉。”这种分歧是一场更广泛的法学辩论的一部分,早在哈特和德沃金的辩论之前就已经存在,并且自从我在德沃金的书中接触到这个问题以来,已经进行了几十年。这场辩论关乎法律和道德的关系。正如我所说的,我没有资格参与那场更广泛的辩论。我只想讨论一个更加弱化的问题:当面对决定实际案件的众多问题时,一个在职法官如何处理。

In doing so, I want to suggest three propositions: First, that while most legal disputes can be resolved by identifying answers that are clearly correct under ordinary rules of legal reasoning, Hart is right that a significant number of important cases, including many that are politically salient, do not have answers that can be classified as “right” simply by applying those rules. Second, that one important reason for this conclusion is that the principles of reasoning that are sufficient to resolve most legal questions have exceptions and qualifications that frequently require the exercise of judicial judgment. And third, that the recognition that judgment is required in such cases is important to validating the principle of judicial restraint, a critical value that can only have real bite in a world in which judges are acknowledged to be exercising judgment in selecting an answer from among several more or less equally viable lines of reasoning, while the effort to resolve cases by more mechanical rules can point to unrestrained judicial interventions in the political process.




Anti-Segregation Policing - Monica C. Bell



Conversations about police reform in lawmaking and legal scholarship typically take a narrow view of the multiple, complex roles that policing plays in American society, focusing primarily on their techniques of crime control. This Article breaks from that tendency, engaging police reform from a sociological perspective that focuses instead on the noncriminal functions of policing. In particular, it examines the role of policing in the daily maintenance of racial residential segregation, one of the central strategies of American racial inequality. Unlike previous work that touches on these issues, this Article argues that police reformers and police leaders should adopt an anti-segregation approach to policing. It also offers legal frameworks and policy prescriptions that flow from an anti-segregation ethic in police governance.



This Article begins by setting forth a rich account of residential segregation, clarifying the distinction between easily measurable proxies for segregation and the type of segregation with which law and policy should be concerned: the spatial separation that confines, subordinates, and dominates. It then identifies and illustrates six mechanisms through which American policing perpetuates residential segregation, drawing from sociological research, including qualitative narratives collected in Dallas County, Texas; Cuyahoga County, Ohio; and Baltimore, Maryland. Next, the Article sketches the architecture of anti-segregation policing, offering legal frameworks based on fair housing law and federal and state consent decrees, as well as a non-exhaustive set of practical approaches police departments could take to advance an anti-segregation agenda. Finally, the Article engages a fundamental question central to police transformation movements today: Is meaningful police reform, including anti-segregation policing, possible in a society that is structured through race?




The Imperative for Trauma-Responsive Special Education - Nicole Tuchinda



Recent, robust research makes clear that childhood trauma, such as abuse or neglect in the home or the chronic lack of basic necessities, is common and can cause and exacerbate disabilities in learning and behavior. These disabilities prevent many children from making educational progress, but evidence-based strategies now exist to give these children access to education. To appropriately implement these strategies, the nation’s educational disability rights laws—the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (together, “Section 504”)—must become “trauma-responsive” or “healing centered.” The imperative to make education for children with trauma-induced disabilities trauma-responsive is not just moral, however; it is also legal. IDEA’s “Child Find” and Section 504’s “Locate and Notify” mandates require public school systems to identify and provide an evaluation and individualized education to all children with disabilities. This is the first article in the legal literature to describe the need to make IDEA, Section 504, and their implementation trauma-responsive. This article is also the first to propose three ways to meet this need: 1) requiring assessment of trauma’s impact when trauma is suspected to be a cause of disability in a child; 2) amending IDEA to add a stand-alone, trauma-specific disability category through which children can become eligible for special education and recognizing that trauma causes disability under Section 504; and 3) putting trauma-responsive specialized instruction, related services, and accommodations into individualized educational programs developed under IDEA (“IEPs”) and programs developed under Section 504 (“504 plans”).

最近的研究有力表明,例如家庭虐待或忽视、对基本必需品的长期缺乏等童年创伤是常见的,并且可能导致和加剧学习与行为上的障碍。许多儿童因此无法取得学习上的进步,但现在已有一些基于研究证据的策略来帮助他们接受教育。为了适当地实施这些策略,国家的残疾人教育权法要求必须“对创伤有回应”,或者“以疗愈为核心”,如《残疾人教育法》(“IDEA”)、1973年《康复法》第504款以及《美国残疾人法》(合称第504款)。但是,当教育那些因创伤而致障碍的儿童时,应当具有对创伤的回应——这种必要性不仅仅是道德上的,更是法律上的。IDEA法案的“寻找儿童”以及第504款的“定位与告知”任务,要求公立学校系统发现那些障碍儿童,并为他们提供评估和个性化的教育。本文是第一篇描述“IDEA法案、第504款以及它们的实施必须回应创伤”的法律文章。本文也第一次提出了满足这种需求的三种方式:第一,当怀疑创伤是儿童障碍的原因时,需要对创伤的影响进行评估;第二, 修订IDEA,以新增一个单独针对创伤的障碍类别,使儿童有资格接受特殊教育,并承认创伤是第504条下之障碍的原因;第三,在根据IDEA制定的个性化教育计划(“IEP”)和第504条下制定的计划(“504计划”)中,加入回应创伤的专门指导、相关服务和辅助性措施。



Overfiling and Under-Enforcement - Hannah R. Miles



Environmental regulation is accomplished through a system of cooperative federalism—the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets nationwide standards for various pollutants, but the responsibility for granting permits, inspecting facilities, and punishing violations is generally delegated to state agencies. This power-sharing arrangement has frequently created tensions between the federal and state environmental agencies. Overfiling is one of the most contentious of these tensions; it occurs when the federal government files an enforcement action against a polluter for a violation of a federal environmental statute after the delegated state agency has reached a settlement with the same polluter for the same violation. While overfiling occurs very rarely, it is a critical component of the cooperative federalism arrangement, and in this Note, I propose that it should occur more frequently in order to ensure that state agencies are not using low enforcement to de facto create a more hospitable landscape for polluters and damage public health and the environment.



[1] 译者注:詹姆斯·麦迪逊讲座是纽约大学法学院最重要的讲座系列之一。该系列讲座始于1960年,旨在增强公民的自由意识和国家使命感。该系列讲座由雨果·布莱克大法官开创,他提出了他著名的宪法第一修正案的绝对性理论。自那时以来,超过十二名美国最高法院大法官和超过二十四名美国上诉法院法官发表了麦迪逊系列演讲。

[2] 译者注:这可能是指棒球比赛中,裁判员没能对投手的投球处于“好球区”还是“坏球区”进行正确判断的糟糕表现。而ESPN推广了“K区”这一术语,似乎是因为他们使用了一套能够毫无差错地判断球的位置的电脑技术。

[3] 译者注:合作联邦制是一种政府间关系的模式,其承认国家和州政府的职能重叠。这种模式可以与双重联邦制模式形成对比,后者认为国家和州政府有不同的、独立的政府职能。


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