2E(twice exceptional, gifted但在某些方面有挑战)家长看过来
楼主 (北美华人网)
看到其他帖子里家长因为孩子被诊断2e不知道怎么和学校打交道,想起了我知道的这个组织,所以分享一下: 湾区去年刚成立了一个专门面向2e群体的组织,经常有网上的讲座介绍怎么向学校advocate,在湾区的家长有定期见面的support group。建议有需要的家长看一下。公益组织,活动都是免费的。https://www.reel2e.org/ 9月19号的讲座 What Can You Ask Your School For? Tues, Sept 19, 7-8:30pm PST, Zoom
Our panel of parents and neuropsychologist will share creative accommodations, parents rights, and more. We will also do a crowd-sourcing exercise to generate a list of ideas across various challenges, strengths, and K-12 grade levels. Come away with concrete supports you can request!
Our panel of parents and neuropsychologist will share creative accommodations, parents rights, and more. We will also do a crowd-sourcing exercise to generate a list of ideas across various challenges, strengths, and K-12 grade levels. Come away with concrete supports you can request!