背景:朝鲜战争第四次战役期间,麦克阿瑟率领美军反攻取得重大胜利,并扬言要对中国境内实施核打击。这违背了杜鲁门总统和其参谋长布莱德利的战略意图,导致杜鲁门于1951年4月11日解除了麦克阿瑟的职务。美国民众反对杜鲁门的决定,一个月后的5月15日,杜鲁门及其参谋长布莱德利被迫向国会解释他们解除麦克阿瑟职务的原因。杜鲁门为他解除麦克阿瑟职务的决定付出了代价,由于不得人心,他不得不放弃竞选连任美国总统。多年后,杜鲁门依然因此对麦克阿瑟怒不可遏,在接受媒体采访时大骂麦克阿瑟"A son of a bitch."
"The wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy" is General Omar Bradley's famous rebuke in his May 15, 1951 Congressional testimony as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the idea of extending the Korean War into China, as proposed by General Douglas MacArthur, the commander of the U.N. forces in Korea before being relieved of command by President Harry Truman on April 11, 1951.[1]
Here is a more complete passage of Bradley's testimony:
I am under no illusion that our present strategy of using means short of total war to achieve our ends and oppose communism is a guarantee that a world war will not be thrust upon us. But a policy of patience and determination without provoking a world war, while we improve our military power, is one which we believe we must continue to follow….
Under present circumstances, we have recommended against enlarging the war from Korea to also include Red China. The course of action often described as a limited war with Red China would increase the risk we are taking by engaging too much of our power in an area that is not the critical strategic prize.
Red China is not the powerful nation seeking to dominate the world. Frankly, in the opinion of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, this strategy would involve us in the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy.
—?From testimony before the Senate Committees on Armed Services and Foreign Relations, May 15, 1951.—Military Situation in the Far East, hearings, 82d Congress, 1st session, part 2, p. 732 (1951).