上海美国中心 | Shanghai American Center
Hip Hop Harmonics – Life of the Party
Time: Tuesday, February 7, 19:00
Online access: You can join Zoom app using Meeting ID 1603099794 and Passcode 303151
“派对生活”——活动公司对上海嘻哈文化的影响追溯了娱乐公司的起源及其对世界各地文化的影响。从北美的Rolling Loud和OVO Fest等活动到中国的“The Takeoff”和 'Hip Hop Hai' ,我们将考察这些 Hip Hop 活动的统一性以及组织这些活动的实体。本期加入我们的还有来自Friends of Shanghai 以及Best Life Entertainment的特邀嘉宾!
“Life of the Party" - Event Companies' Influence on Hip-Hop Culture in Shanghai traces the origins of entertainment companies and their influences on cultures around the world. From events such as Rolling Loud and OVO Fest in North America to 'The Takeoff' and 'Hip Hop Hai' in China, we will take an examination at the unifying aspects of these Hip Hop events and the entities that organize them. Join us and our special guests from Friends of Shanghai, and Best Life Entertainment for this next episode!
This event will be conducted in English.
关于嘉宾 About the Speakers
Ricky Watson来自亚利桑那州图森市。Ricky拥有用过诺丁汉特伦特大学国际关系学硕士学位。Ricky在中国执教近四年半,在教学之余,他的时间基本投入于在上海和大中华地区的社区建设性及相关活动。
Ricky Watson is from Tucson, Arizona. Ricky holds a Master’s of Arts degree in International Relations from Nottingham Trent University, England. Ricky has lived in China as a teacher for nearly 4 1/2 years, and outside of his school hours he spends time in community-building activities and events all around Shanghai and Greater China.