如果人少, 要小心。 高中的孩子, 不论男女, 分寸都是懂得, 不要家长提醒。 我是鼓励的
如果是dating, kiss是肯定有的
说 yes, 那也三观一致了
Prevalence of hook-ups at Duke? - Colleges and Universities A-Z / Duke University - College Confidential Forums
"Sex in the stacks" is one of Duke's five widely accepted unofficial graduation requirements, which also include scaling Baldwin Auditorium, driving backwards around the Duke Chapel traffic circle, traversing the East Campus tunnels and having sex-yet again-in the Duke Gardens. "When you walk around the gardens at night you hear noises," said Trinity sophomore Helen Zayac. "Its funny. You know what's going on."...
"I got bruised having sex in the stacks, dirty having sex in the gardens, and asbestos poisoning from tunneling," said a Trinity senior who wishes to remain anonymous. "I guess doming was the most fun-there's nothing more exhilarating than seeing East Campus stretched out below you."
In recent years, Duke University has developed a reputation for debauchery. A steady beat of scandal—from the Duke lacrosse rape case to Karen Owen’s 2010 "thesis" on her bedroom exploits with her numerous Duke lovers, to various racist or sexist fraternity parties—paints a picture of a university gone wild.
While that picture may be slightly exaggerated, a recent study found that over half of Duke students had participated in a "hook-up" in the previous six months. That means that they had had "sexual activity with someone outside of an exclusive romantic relationship."
如果人家相互确定, 家长最好不要阻拦, 提供方便?
建议多去欧洲旅行, 特别是法国和荷兰, 开开眼界哈哈哈
现在孩子都有车, 不在家里, 你逼孩子到外面去?看看初中高中的女生都穿的啥样, 谈论哪些?你要孩子还是一天到晚小天使一样, 不要压制