买自住condo. The above is the photos from inspection. Inspector said: there was water intrusion, but not sure when and where it was from. It looks dry now. But the owner said he did not know anything about it. What can I do? The contingency has to be removed by late today.
It is in a water heater cabinet in the balcony. The water stains location on the ceiling, side wall the on the floor. Seller said he knows nothing. He did changed a new water heater about 5 years ago. I am worried about slow leaking from the connections above the ceiling ( or within the ceiling). As the seller never checked, so he did not know. I really want to buy the condo. But afraid there will be lots of trouble. Seller doesn't want to do anything. What can I do? The best will be to open the wall to check. Visually no water seen. Inspector said he can not determine if this is new or old. I have ordered a mold inspection, that is to be done today. What else I can do. The seller doesn't want to cut the wall.
请各位帮帮忙出出主意,我该怎么跟卖家教室,我还需要做一些什么,我应不应该remove contingency. The deadline is today.
我请公司来做了,他们打开墙壁的,换了什么,收了我700 多
现在过去一段时间了,没有动静,我猜是修好了,第二个账单 667,我还没付,等等再付
报告说天花板,墙和地上都有mold,这面墙连着里面fire place。不是外面的墙,我今早上搞错了,以为是外面的墙。他说要开墙才知道到底坏到什么程度。上面及下面的unit 是否involved. 这个是为我女儿买的,她工作非常忙,好不容易找到这condo. 你们说怎么办才好?他说修理是6千以上。这个condo 能买吗?或者是contingent upon the mold issue get fixed? 或者拿6千?或者要1万?不知道HOA 是否cover?