1. you have 10K passive carryover loss, 3K passive income, 10K - 3K = 7K.
THis is your passive loss in 2022.
2. Passive loss deduction phase out starting at 100000, at 50% rate, no deduction at 150,000.
Therefore, assuming 148K adjustable gross income, (148K-100K) x 50% = 24K
Deduction allowance is 25K, - 24K = 1K passive loss allowed to be deducted from your income.
3. Then 7K loss, only 1K is allowed to be deducted per #2
So your carryoverloss result should be 6K. Are you sure your carryover loss is 9K?
By the way, you have 3K income, not 3K loss as your post said.
10K carryover capital loss.
5K capital gain in 2022
10K-5K, you ahve 5K left over capital loss in 2022.
You can use 3K of that 5K capital loss against your gross income.
So you have 10K - 5K (2022 gain) - 3K (income duduction) = 2K for carryover to 2023.
I suggest you check your numbers again. Please use actual numbers in our discussion to avoid confusion. We are grown ups, we can do the math. no need to dumb the numbers down.
2021 passive carry over loss [-10,000] + 2022 passive (net) income [3,000]
= 2022 passive carry over loss [-7,000] (下一年继续)
收入太高了,没法用 non-passive income 再抵了