经济学人文艺 | They?谁?
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Who do they think they are?
The fight over the singular use of “they” has been going on for centuries
Grammar has rarely produced as much public acrimony as in the battle over pronouns being waged around the world. In one skirmish in 2015, the University of Tennessee offered guidance on referring to non-binary students on its website, only for political blowback to lead to a legislative ban on spending public money to support non-traditional pronouns. Jordan Peterson, a controversial Canadian academic, has refused to use invented pronouns or “they” in relation to people who identify as neither male nor female. Many fulminating commentators spy political correctness running amok yet again.
1.non-binary: 非二元性别者,为“性别认同/性别表达不符合性别二元论定义”的一类人的统称,主要包括无性别(没有特定性别认同)、性别两性体(性别认同介于男性和女性之间,即时而认为自己是男,时而认为自己是女,或者认为自己既是男也是女)、流性人(性别认同随时间流动而改变)等。参见以下网址:
https://site.douban.com/283412/widget/notes/192710953/note/609059498/ 22.
2. 韦氏词典2019年度词汇:They
《纽约时报》11日报道,韦氏词典总编辑彼得·索科洛夫斯基(Peter Sokolowski)表示,公众对词汇的兴趣通常是由重大新闻事件驱动的。今年其他一些获得了较高搜索量的词语包括“quid pro quo”(交换条件)和“impeachment”(弹劾),这些都与政治头条新闻相关。但像“They”这样的实用性词语创造搜索热潮的现象并不常见。它可能反映出人们对越来越多使用非二元人群的代词产生的好奇和困惑。
Into the breach comes a useful corrective in the form of Dennis Baron’s well-timed new book, “What’s Your Pronoun?” Mr Baron is a linguist at the University of Illinois, and a longtime scholar of a curious gap in the English language. For centuries, people have wrestled with the fact that there is no uncontroversial pronoun to refer to a subject of unknown, indeterminate or mixed gender.
针对学者们的分歧,丹尼斯•巴伦的新书《用什么来指代你》(What’s Your Pronoun)及时地给出了一项有用的解决方案。巴伦先生是伊利诺伊大学的语言学家,并且是英语死角问题的资深学者。几世纪以来,对于如何指代性别未知、不明确或者比较模糊的群体,英语当中一直缺少一个能被所有人接受的代词,人们也一直在努力想要解决这个问题。
Singular they, in sentences such as “Everyone loves their mother”, has been derided as incorrect for a long time. Mr Baron tracks the first such ruling to a 16th-century Latin grammar, which declared the masculine the more honourable gender that, where necessary, encompasses the feminine. In the 18th and 19th centuries, this view made its way into English grammars: when referring to a generic person, you should say “Everyone loves his mother.”
在一些句子中,比如“Everyone loves their mother”(每个人都爱他们的母亲),“他们(they)”的单数用法一直被嘲笑是错的。巴伦先生在16世纪的拉丁文语法中查到了最早的一条类似的规定,其中认为男性比女性更优越,因此必要时(使用男性代词)可以涵盖女性。18、19世纪,这种语法现象开始出现在英语中:如果是泛指,我们应该说“Everyone loves his mother”(每个人都爱他的母亲)。
But there were wide holes in this argument. Proponents of the rule treated it as a simple matter of grammatical agreement: everyone is grammatically singular, so requires a singular pronoun. They is plural and won’t do. To real sticklers for agreement, however, pronouns must tally in both number and gender. Generic they is wrong by number, but generic he is wrong by gender.
Nonetheless, “he includes she” was in textbooks, and so, for a time, proto-feminists tried to take advantage where they could. Laws saying that each person should pay “his” taxes required women to pay, too. So, 19th-century suffragists reasoned, the statute books referring to a generic voter as “he” gave women the right to vote. Seemingly hoist on the chauvinist petard, defenders of male-only suffrage tactically retreated: he included she unless it would produce an “absurd” reading—such as offering women the vote. (Since it was often held that husbands voted in their wives’ interests, Susan B. Anthony, a 19th-century American suffragist, suggested that if a woman commits murder her husband should be hanged in her stead.)
1. proto-feminist :The term proto-feminist is sometimes applied to a person in a philosophical tradition anticipating modern feminist concepts, who lived in an era when the term "feminist" was unknown that is, prior to the 20th century. The precise use of the term is disputed, as 18th-century feminism and 19th-century feminism are subsumed under "feminism."
2.suffragist : An advocate of the extension of political voting rights, especially to women.
3. Susan B. Anthony:苏珊•安东尼(1820-1906),美国著名民权运动领袖,是女权杂志《革命》的创立者之一,被称为“美国女权运动第一人”。
Given the problems with he, lots of people have invented new, gender-free pronouns. The first one Mr Baron could find (of more than 250 in total) dates to 1841: E. Other suggestions continue in a steady stream until today. Every once in a while, one found a tiny purchase. In 1884 three dictionaries included thon, shortened from that one, but it failed to catch on. The Sacramento Bee, a newspaper, said in 1920 that it would use hir in place of “he or she”, and did so sporadically until the 1940s, but it too faded away.
鉴于<他>带来了诸多的问题,许多人创造出了无性别含义的新代词。拜伦先生发现的第一个代词E可追溯到1841年。直到今天,仍然有许多建议陆续出现。每隔一段时间,一个小代词就会冒出来。1884年有三部词典收录了thon, 这个词是that >的缩写词,但是最终未能流行起来。1920年,《萨克拉门托蜜蜂报》报导,该报将会用hir代替“he or she”。断断续续的使用了一段时间后,到了40年代,hir还是消失了。
The “missing word”, Mr Baron says, is “they”. People have been using it as a generic singular in writing since at least 1375, and have doubtless been saying it even longer. It has appeared as such in the King James Bible, the works of Shakespeare and the novels of Jane Austen. Recently, growing numbers of style guides, including those of The Economist and the Associated Press as well as the Chicago Manual of Style, have concluded that it is often the most pragmatic of a set of imperfect solutions.
But all that comes as a different singular they has come to the fore: to refer to a known individual who identifies as non-binary, as growing numbers do, in sentences such as “Alex forgot their keys.” This is the increasingly widespread singular they that was recently recognised by the American Dialect Society as its Word of the Decade.
The two usages are quite different. The one in “Everyone has their own opinion” is actually quite conservative, given its age, its literary pedigree and the fact that most people already say it in casual speech. They in “Alex forgot their keys” is, by contrast, innovative and jarring to many; for the uninitiated, it takes practice to use it consistently. And though both feminists and transgender activists have embraced the singular they, they have done so for different reasons, and other issues still divide them. A rare moment of liberation through grammar risks being caught up in wider, rancorous culture wars .
Chao,爱读书思考的DPhil candidate,TE爱好者
Angela,女,double major 哲学数学
语言是思想的直接体现,是人类思想的载体,可以直接反映使用者的价值观。 丹麦语言学家Jesperson在《英语的发展与结构》一书中指出,英语是他所熟悉的语言中最男性化的语言,很多学者称为manglish(男人的语言)。从最早的《圣经》中就有所体现上帝创造了第一个男性,亚当。用亚当的一条肋骨创造了天下第一个女性,夏娃。亚当说道:“this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of Man. ”(这是我骨中骨,肉中肉,她是女人,因为它是从男人身上取下来的。)
这样从人类思想上对性别的不平等,自然就体现到了语言上。 Woman是基于man而发展来的,woman去掉前缀wo还是一个有意义的词, 可如果去掉man那么wo就不是独立的词。反应女人对男人的附属关系。
人类靠语言思考,哲学家维根斯坦说过the limit of my language is the limit of my world. (“我语言的局限,即是我世界的局限.” ) 英语语言正在试图更好地尊重所有的性别。公开场合介绍有时会提到自己的pronoun(代词),有的人会介绍说:“my pronoun is she/her/hers” 就代表希望别人用女性代词称呼她。为了不再用语言来限定所代指的人,更多的作家开始用中性的人称代词,如business-person来代替businessman,用police-officer来代替policeman。
在美国独立宣言中说:“all men are created equal.” 我们不禁反问,用man来代指所有人类,这真的体现我们生而平等么?