一般山东人的特性是外表倔强豪迈,内心敦厚温和。宦场中人, 大部分肉食者鄙,各地皆然,固无足论。观风问俗,宜对庶民着眼。青岛民风淳厚,每于细民中见之。我初到青岛,看到人力车夫从不计较车资, 乘客下车一律付与一角,路程远则付二角,无争论者。这是全国所没有的现象。有人说这是德国人留下的无形的制度,无论如何这种作风能维持很久便是难能可贵。青岛市面上绝少讨价还价的恶习。虽然小事一端,代表意义很大。无怪乎有人感叹,齐鲁本是圣人之邦,青岛焉能不绍其馀绪?
Memories of Qingdao (an excerpt)While appearing unbending and heroic, ordinary Shandong people are honest and gentle in their inner selves. The majority of officialdom is self-centered, which is a common phenomenon across the world and deserves no discussion. So, if you want to observe the local customs, I would recommend focusing on the civilians, and the honesty and warmheartedness of common residents in Qingdao just reside in their daily life. As soon as I arrived in Qingdao, I noticed that rickshaw pullers never dispute with the customers about fares: one jiao for a short journey and two for a long run, paid upon arrival. No exception. This is a unique scene in China. Some may argue that it is an intangible rule set by German colonists. But still, it is commendable of the Qingdao people to keep this conduct for such a long time. The wicked behavior of bargaining is rarely seen in Qingdao. Such a matter, though trivial, is sigificant. No wonder a comment goes that Shandong is home to the Saints, so how could Qingdao not inherit their mantle? 1. Jiao: a unit of money in China (=1/10 of a yuan or 10 fen) 2. Saints refer to Confucius and Mencius.
这句话中的逻辑关系乍看起来令人费解:“无论如何”表转折,后文又说难能可贵,那这个制度是不好的喽?事实的确如此,青岛曾沦为德国殖民地,而本文写作于民国时期,民族危亡之时,全国上下都怀着对帝国主义列强的愤恨,因此若此制度是由德国殖民者留下的,自然会被贬为恶政,故而作者出此言。也正是因为如此,原译的“inherited from the Germans”在修订过程中改为“set by German colonists”,以明确感情倾向。
2.“……,看到人力车夫从不计较车资, 乘客下车一律付与一角,路程远则付二角,无争论者。”
原译“I noticed that rickshaw pullers are never dispute with the customers and ever fussy about fares. Without exception and without bargaining, passengers pay one jiao for a short journey and two for a long one upon alighting.”在修订过程中改为“I noticed that rickshaw pullers are never dispute with the customers and ever fussy about fares: one jiao for a short journey and two for a long run, paid upon arrival. No exception.”这样,长短句结合,增强语势。
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