【北京美国中心活动】《动荡的历史:美国、中国和杜立特东京行动》记录片放映和讨论,8月29日周二晚6:30 - 8:30

【北京美国中心活动】《动荡的历史:美国、中国和杜立特东京行动》记录片放映和讨论,8月29日周二晚6:30 - 8:30


Unsettled History 《动荡的历史:美国、中国和杜立特东京行动》记录片放映和讨论 

August 29, Tuesday from 6:30 to 8:30 pm 
8月29日,周二, 晚6:30 - 8:30  

Mission China’s American Spaces proudly present a screening and discussion of the documentary Unsettled History: America, China and the Doolittle Tokyo Raid. The film depicts the story of the connections between a group of American World War II pilots and the Chinese families who rescued them, and of their descendants in the U.S. and China.  

Come to join us at the Beijing American Center, where Melinda Liu, a Beijing-based American foreign correspondent with a personal connection to the story, will explore this memorable event in the history of the U.S. and China.    

Bio: Melinda Liu is Beijing Bureau Chief for Newsweek Magazine.  She has lived and worked in Beijing since November 1998.  In her journalistic career, Liu covered many aspects of China's post-Mao modernization.  Her firsthand reporting from Baghdad on the fall of Saddam Hussein was part of an award-winning Newsweek issue.  Liu won the 2006 Shorenstein Journalism Award in recognition of her reporting on Asia.  

The film is in English with English subtitles. This event will be conducted in English. 

To RSVP:   
Extract the QR code to register. 

Program suitable for ages 12 and older. 

Reasonable Accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to attend this event are available upon request.  Please submit a request for accommodations in advance or as soon as possible via email to [email protected]
可根据请求为希望参加此活动的残障人士提供合理的便利安排。请提前或尽快发电子邮件给 [email protected]提交请求。   

活动开始前30分钟可以进入。请尽量于活动开始前20分钟到达以便有足够时间通过安检。在活动开始 20 分钟后将不允许入场参加活动。  
Doors will open 30 minutes before the program starts. Please try to arrive at least 20 minutes before the program starts to allow enough time to go through security. You will NOT be admitted if you arrive half 20 minutes after the program has started. 

NOTE: This event is open to the general public.  Audio or video recording of the program will not be permitted.  Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office. 

Please note that attendees of this event grant permission to the U.S. Department of State to photograph and video record their image and/or voice. Permission is granted for the U.S. Department of State to release, publish, broadcast or quote this material in public information programs and activities. Content procured may be included in future speeches, on the Internet, through multiple broadcast channels and print media.  Use of content (image, audio or ideas) will not be used for commercial purposes. Thank you very much.  

*请记住携带有效的并有照片的身份证件原件进入北京美国中心, 证件复印件或照片将不被允许进入。来北京美国中心参加此活动请勿携带大包。  
You must bring a valid physical photo ID in order to enter the Beijing American Center (BAC), copies or pictures of IDs will not be accepted.  No large bags will be allowed into the BAC for this event.  

*While portable electronic devices, such as mobile phones, iPads and other tablets, and smartwatches are permitted, guests may not bring laptop computers to Beijing American Center programs.  

For security reasons, the BAC staff reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone.   

地点:北京市朝阳区安家楼路55号 (美国大使馆东门)。 
Location: No. 55 An Jia Lou Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (East Gate of the U.S. Embassy).  

交通:地铁10号,亮马桥站B出口,向东北步行至天泽路和安家楼路交汇处, 签证处北侧。  
Directions: Metro Line 10, Liangmaqiao Station Exit B, walk northeast to the Tian Ze Road intersection of An Jia Lou Road, north side of the Visas Office.  

Follow us on the Embassy’s WeChat by searching USEmbassyChina. 


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