

Javier Milei
Presidential Election Victory Address

delivered 19  November 2023, Buenos Aires, Argentina
[Professionally Translated/Interpreted]

Good evening to all those who are here, to those who are in the streets celebrating. And above all, good evening to all good Argentines. Because today begins the reconstruction of Argentina.


Today is a historic night for Argentina. Thank you very much to everyone who came. Thank you very much to all those who made this possible. Thanks to the team that worked for two years to transform Argentina and achieve the miracle of having a libertarian liberal president. Thank you very much.


Thanks to my sister Karina, because without her, this would not have been possible.


In addition, I would also like to thank that giant who has accompanied me throughout this process. That giant that is usually kept in the dark, his name is Santiago Caputo, and he is the real architect of this, together with the chief.


Furthermore, I also want to thank all the members of "La Libertad Avanza" [Freedom Moves Forward] who worked tirelessly to achieve this goal. I want to give special thanks to the poll watchers, both those of "La Libertad Avanza" and those of the Pro, who put [themselves on the line] to defend the votes. Because we said that the votes were there, but they had to be taken care of. And they took care of them! Thank you very much, poll watchers.

此外,我还要感谢为实现这一目标而不懈努力的“自由前进党”(La Libertad Avanza)的所有成员。我要特别感谢投票观察员,包括“自由前进党”和Pro党的观察员,他们冒着危险捍卫选票。因为我们说过选票在那里,但它们必须得到解决。他们解决好了!非常感谢各位投票观察员。

On the other hand, I would especially like to thank President Macri and Mrs. Bullrich who selflessly, in an act of greatness, as never seen before in the history of Argentina, put [themselves on the line] to defend the change that Argentina needs. I want to tell all Argentines that today begins the end of decadence.


Today we begin to turn the page of our history and return to the path we should never have lost. Today ends the impoverishing model of the omnipresent state, from which only a few benefit, while the majority of Argentines suffer.


Today the idea that the state is a booty to be shared among politicians and their friends is over. Today the vision that the victimizers are the victims, and the victims are the victimizers is over.


Today we return to the path that made this country great. Today we embrace again the ideas of freedom, the ideas of Alberdi.


In short, the ideas of our Founding Fathers that took us in 35 years from being a country of barbarians to becoming the first world power. These ideas are based on three very simple premises.


A limited government, and I want to make this clear, that fulfills to the letter the commitment it has made.


Regarding private property and free trade. I want to be very clear about something, the model of decadence has come to an end. There is no turning back. The results of this model are there for all to see. From being the richest country in the world, today we are the 130th. Half of the Argentineans are poor and 10% are indigent. Enough of the impoverishing model of the caste.


Today we are once again embracing the Liberty model to become a world power again.


At the same time, I want to say to all Argentines and to all political leaders that all those who want to join the New Argentina are welcome. No matter where they come from, no matter what they have done before, no matter what differences we have, I am sure that what unites us is more important than what [divides] us. Because that is what will make the country stand up and become a power again.


In short, as long as you want to join the change that Argentina needs, you are welcome. We know that there are people who will resist, and we know that there are people who want to maintain this system of privileges for some, and that [which] impoverishes the majority of Argentines. To all of them, I want to say the following: WITHIN THE LAW EVERYTHING; OUTSIDE THE LAW NOTHING.


In this new Argentina, there is no place for the violent. There is no place for those who violate the law to defend their privileges. We will be implacable with those who want to use force to defend their privileges. We would like to ask the government to be responsible, to understand that a new Argentina has arrived, and to act accordingly; to take responsibility until the end of the mandate on December 10. Thus, once the mandate is over, we can begin to transform this tragic reality for millions of Argentines.


Let it be well understood that Argentina's situation is critical, and the changes that our country needs are drastic. There is no room for gradualism. There is no room for lukewarmness. There is no room for half-measures. If we do not move forward quickly with the structural changes that Argentina needs, we are heading straight towards the worst crisis in our history. It is essential that all of us who want to embrace the ideas of freedom again, work together from December 10; and we can give an answer to a society that has been abandoned by the political class in the last decades.


We have monumental problems ahead: inflation, stagnation, lack of genuine employment, insecurity, poverty, and indigence. Problems that can only be solved if we once again embrace the idea of freedom. Problems that can only be solved if those of us who want a different Argentina work together. To all those who are looking at us from abroad, I would like to say that Argentina will once again occupy that place in the world it should never have lost.


That is why I also want to tell you that our commitment is to democracy, to free trade, and to peace. We will work side by side with all the nations of the free world to help build a better world. Today is a historic night, not for us, but because one way of doing politics has ended and another begins.


To the Argentines I would like to say that, despite the enormous problems the country has, despite the bleakness of the situation, Argentina has a future. But that future exists if it is a Liberal future.


We are not here to invent anything. We come to do the things that history has proven to work. We come to do the same thing we did during the 19th century in our country, the same thing that countries like Ireland did not so long ago. We come to embrace the ideas of a freedom that guarantees the prosperity of Argentines. If we embrace those ideas, we will not only solve today's problems, but in 35 years we will be a world power again.


Without a doubt, today we are going to celebrate.


Yes, today we are going to celebrate. But it is also true that tomorrow from first thing in the morning, we will start working so that on December 10 we start to bring the solutions Argentines need. Therefore, I would like to thank you all for your hard work to support us, for believing that it is possible. How many times have we said, and we have been tired of repeating, that the victory in the battle did not come from the number of soldiers but from the strength that comes from heaven.

是的,今天我们要庆祝。但同样,明天一早,我们就将开始努力工作,以便在1210日开始为满足阿根廷人的需求提供解决方案 因此,我要感谢大家的辛勤工作,支持我们,相信这是可能的。 我们说过多少次,我们不厌其烦地重复,战斗的胜利不是来自士兵的数量,而是来自上天的力量。

So, I want to thank you all. And I cannot conclude in any other way:
Viva la Libertad carajo! [Long live freedom, damn it!]
Viva la Libertad carajo! [Long live freedom, damn it!]
Viva la Libertad carajo! [Long live freedom, damn it!]


God bless the Argentines. Thank you very much.



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