不懂就问:top法学院毕业,不进大律所,而去地区法院做law clerk是什么原因?
一个我关注的优秀文科男孩,他耶鲁法学院毕业后,现在在U.S. District Court for the Northern District of XX州,Full-time做law clerk.
做这种law clerk难,还是进大律所难?
一个我关注的优秀文科男孩,他耶鲁法学院毕业后,现在在U.S. District Court for the Northern District of XX州,Full-time做law clerk.
做这种law clerk难,还是进大律所难?
那如果法学院毕业后,既有做地区法院law clerk的机会,又直接已经有了律所offer的话,一般法学院毕业生会怎么选择呢?
A Guardian report, published in September 2018, alleged that Chua urged female students to dress a certain way, all the better to appeal to Kavanaugh. Chua told students that it was “no accident” that Kavanaugh’s female clerks “looked like models,” sources told the news outlet. Students “reacted with surprise, and quickly pointed out that Chua’s own daughter was due to clerk for Kavanaugh,” the Guardian continued.
通常是为将来当法官或其他的public service做准备。
Law Clerkship也不容易, 尤其是Supreme Court 每年只招36个左右,千分之一的录取率。其次是巡回上诉法院,再是地方法院。