if you know the 2nd lien auction will come before the 1st lien auction, there is absolutely no benefit to win the 2nd lien auction, because the 2nd lien will be wiped out anyway.
In the case discussed below, the young guy after paid 190k is in the same position with anybody else at the 1st lien auction an hour later.
简单地说,一个房子可以有多个Lien,每个有拍卖权的一方都可以单独拍卖,买方虽然得不到title,只买到一个lIEN ,但因为任何Lien的存在,卖房子时,买家的title公司都必须解决它。所以,只要买得足够便宜,未来的某一天,这个差价就会产生回报。
你所说的(以前投坦里也讨论过),只是一种情况,1st Loan拍卖,但承诺付清其它Lien(或已知的几项),但1st Loan也可以只拍卖这一部分,其它完全不管。
2nd/3rd lien only buys you the rights to foreclosure the 1st position, nothing more, nor able to get title.
看你所在州的法律, 二贷没有title, 所以二贷利息高很多就是这个原因。
其实要知道lien的情况很简单, title search $300.