根据合同,4号付房租算late吗?房东这几天出去玩了,还没fix mold
楼主 (北美华人网)
以前每月1号用zelle 付房租,但现在觉得这个房东不值得我这么对待
LATE Payment, Service charge for Returned Check. Rent not paid in full by the 5th day of the month shall be late. Landlord has no obligation to accept any rent not received by the 5th day of the month.
Mailing the rent payment shall not constitute payment. Rent must be actually received by Landlord to be considered paid.
LATE Payment, Service charge for Returned Check. Rent not paid in full by the 5th day of the month shall be late. Landlord has no obligation to accept any rent not received by the 5th day of the month.
Mailing the rent payment shall not constitute payment. Rent must be actually received by Landlord to be considered paid.