法律翻译 |《哥大商法评论》2021年第1期(第6-9篇)目录+摘要

法律翻译 |《哥大商法评论》2021年第1期(第6-9篇)目录+摘要



译者 |伍雪畅 杜伦大学LL.M. 

一审 |戚若音 UCB LL.M.

二审 | 汪晨涵 FDU 法律硕士

编辑 |wrj 中国政法大学硕士

责编 |陈远航 美国西北大学LL.M.

Business as Usual


Hobby Lobby and the Purpose of Corporate

Hobby Lobby与公司的目标

作者:Dalia T. Mitchell

This article explores the interdependence of the discourse of corporate rights and the law of corporate purpose. I argue that the history of corporate rights reflects changing reactions of the U.S. Supreme Court to social, political, and cultural concerns, each reaction offering a different purpose for corporations in our modern society. At the turn of the twentieth century, in response to fears about the advance of socialism, the Court used liberal assumptions to justify protecting the publicly held corporation’s property rights as derived from the rights of individual shareholders. In so doing, the Court helped turn the corporation, with its collective ownership, into the epitome of capitalism. In the 1940s, as fears about the potential impact of European totalitarianism on American democracy mounted, the Court drew on theories of pluralism, which focused on corporate power, to impose constitutional limitations on private entities and organizations. The corporation became the guardian of American democracy. Beginning in the 1970s, amidst concerns about the potential threat that large corporations posed to economic and political markets, the Court relied on the managerialist view that corporate managers were best suited to attend to the affairs of their corporations to rationalize the extension of First Amendment rights to corporations. Even when the Court acknowledged corporate management’s responsibility to the shareholders, it dismissed concerns about management’s usage of shareholder funds to promote corporate goals with which the shareholders might not agree. Questions about corporate rights and corporate purpose became questions of business judgment, and corporate managers became the mediators of American society’s social and cultural goals.


Creatures of Congress Collide


Defending FERC’s Ratemaking Authority in Electric Utility Bankruptcies


作者:Megan Hirsh

In the recent PG&E and FirstEnergy bankruptcies, the Ninth and Sixth Circuits were faced with a difficult issue that has created confusion and uncertainty for electric utility debtors: does the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) have jurisdiction concurrent with the bankruptcy courts to decide whether an electric utility debtor can reject power purchase agreements (PPAs) under § 365 of the Bankruptcy Code? The answer has billion-dollar implications for renewable generation companies that depend on the stability of long-term PPAs and for electric utilities, which increasingly are filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy due to competition from alternative energy sources and natural disasters.


This Note explores this issue in four parts. First, it provides an overview of the debtor’s rejection power, the applicable energy law, and the factual and procedural contexts in which this issue recently arose. In the next two parts, it resolves doctrinal confusion by analyzing the relevant cases and identifying the heightened standard for rejection of PPAs that the circuit courts have universally endorsed. Finally, it argues that—absent FERC’s approval—rejection should not relieve electric utility debtors of their public rate obligations.



Lorenzo v. SEC and the Expansion of Scheme Liability


Why Courts Should Implement a “Modified Creator Standard”


作者:Jordan Lieberman

In March 2019, the Supreme Court ruled in Lorenzo v. SEC that the disseminator of a false statement over email could be held primarily liable for engaging in a scheme to defraud investors under Rules 10b-5(a) and (c). The decision has the potential to upend the Court’s prior precedents limiting the scope of primary liability under 10b-5, as the Court had previously ruled that primary liability under 10b-5(b) should be limited to the attributed author of a misstatement. This Note argues for an expansive reading of Lorenzo, adopting a “modified creator standard” that would expand primary liability under 10b-5(a) and (c) to include a subset of participants in the creation and dissemination of a misstatement beyond its attributed author. The goal of this approach is to ensure that culpable actors cannot escape liability while also preserving the Supreme Court’s emphasis on the distinction between primary and secondary liability under Rule 10b-5.


Co-opted Cooperators


Corporate Internal Investigations and Brady v. Maryland

公司内部调查与Brady v. Maryland案

作者:Sarah Patterson

In 2019, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York criticized the Department of Justice for “outsourc[ing] its investigation” of alleged LIBOR manipulation practices within Deutsche Bank to the bank and its lawyers. The decision to “outsource” had, in the court’s view, rendered the bank and its outside counsel agents of the government, and provided a basis for the defendant, a former Deutsche Bank employee, to claim that his statements to the bank’s lawyers had been compelled in violation of the Fifth Amendment.


This Note considers the effect of such outsourcing on a prosecutor’s duty to disclose evidence favorable to the accused under Brady v. Maryland. To do so, it imagines a scenario where a corporation facing criminal indictment undertakes a comprehensive internal investigation. The investigation, which is itself part of the company’s campaign to enter into a deferred prosecution agreement and avoid criminal charges, dredges up evidence of conduct that provides the basis for later charges against individual employees, as well as evidence that tends to exculpate them. This scenario sets up the central question: should the fruits of the outsourced investigation be considered part of the government’s file for the purposes of a Brady claim?

检察官有根据Brady v. Maryland案披露对被告有利之证据的责任,本文考虑了这种外包行为对该种责任的影响。为此,本文设想了这样一个场景:一家面临刑事起诉的公司进行了全面的内部调查。该调查本身是该公司签订延期起诉协议和避免刑事指控的活动的一部分,调查挖出的行为证据为后来对个别雇员的指控提供了依据,同时也挖出了利于开脱公司罪行的证据。该设想引出了一个核心问题:就Brady诉求而言,外包调查的结果是否应被视为政府档案的一部分?

This Note argues that, where outsourced investigations make “the prosecution” indistinguishable from its corporate target, courts should consider answering this question in the affirmative. Using three doctrinal lenses to explore the relationship between the government and corporate cooperators, as well as case law touching on the issue, it offers a framework for enforcing the component of due process explicated in Brady where one could reasonably argue that the government constructively possesses all the information collected during a company-sponsored investigation.



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