【一句话翻译】Do not poke the bear. 不要去戳熊
【汉译英 Chinese to English】
马刺队主教练格雷格·波波维奇在周三晚上主场对阵洛杉矶快船队的比赛中抓住了广播电台播音员的麦克风,要求主场球迷停止嘘声,当时前马刺队杰出球员科怀·伦纳德在罚球两次,“请原谅我。 我们能停止所有的嘘声,让这些家伙比赛吗?有点风度。那不是我们。 停止嘘声。”
(1) This sentence was composed according to ESPN's news report.
(2) After Coach Popovich's talk, the home fans booed even louder.
(3) When reporters asked about what he said during the game, Popovich repeatedly claimed that it was for the intension of reminding fans not to poke the bear and give Leonard extra motivation. But was it really so?