希望这些人在张嘴就喷前去听一下宾大Weitzman school of design 的dean Fritz Steiner在颁发学位时的发言。老头甚至哽咽了。
林师从著名建筑师Paul Cret , 因为学业出众,Paul 雇她当助教并且毕业后雇她去自己开的公司去工作。 这是UPENN官网上的。识字的话可以自己去看。 https://almanac.upenn.edu/articles/penn-to-award-posthumous-architecture-degree-to-lin-huiyin One revelation of that research was that Ms. Lin, who enrolled in the bachelor of fine arts program, also completed most of the coursework required for a bachelor of architecture degree—the exceptions include a drawing course that was not open to female students because the live models included men. Because the architecture program did not admit female students until 1934, the fine arts degree was the only option available to her. However, she participated in architecture studios and took courses in design theory, drawing and architectural history and was a teaching assistant in architectural design, often outperforming her male peers. (Ms. Lin’s academic record contains numerous grades of “D” for distinction.)