


上海美国中心 | Shanghai American Center

The Female Gaze of Women Filmmakers Talk Series Session 6 : Between Acting and Directing

Time:  Wednesday, November 16, 18:30

Online access: You can join Zoom app using Meeting ID 16015840305


What’s the “female gaze?” What does it mean indeed? Why are more and more women filmmakers/creators using this term to explain their works? Seeing or being seen, observing or being observed, is there a conscious choice behind the gaze?  

11 月 16 日,“女性电影人的女性凝视”系列分享讲座第 6 期,我们很高兴邀请到波兰演员和短片导演 Magdalena Korpas 通过Zoom与我们连线分享她在表演和导演艺术中的职业经验。拥有12年电影从业经验的她也将与我们分享她个人的职业历程、艺术视野,以及她辗转于波兰、洛杉矶、伦敦和巴黎之间的国际生活工作经历。

On November 16th, in the 6th session of our talk series “The Female Gaze of Women Filmmakers,” we’re thrilled to invite Polish actress and filmmaker Magdalena Korpas to connect with us via Zoom, to share her experience in both acting and directing through her works. With 12 years of experience in the film industry, she will also share with us her career path, her artistic vision, and her international life experience in Poland, LA, London, and Paris.


This event will be conducted in English.

关于嘉宾 About the Speakers 

Magdalena Korpas

Magdalena Korpas 是一位演员和短片导演。她拥有巴黎第三大学戏剧学硕士学位,过去12年一直在电影业界工作,曾出演众多电影、电视剧、广告和戏剧。她曾出演过的著名影片包括《为了贾米拉 (2011)》、《摩纳哥王妃》(2014)、《棋局》(2015)、《母女加州梦》(2016)、《影子派对》(2021) 等。她的短片《七十(Soixante-Dix)》于 2012 年在戛纳电影节上放映。Magdalena Korpas 也是一位艺术家,其艺术表达形式包括摄影、装置、油画等。她精通波兰语、法语和英语,目前生活和工作于法国、英国和波兰之间。

Magdalena Korpas is an actress and short film director. She has a master's degree in theatre from Paris III University and has been working in the film industry for the past 12 years, acting in films, TV shows, commercials, and plays. She has played in notable films, such as “For Djamila (2011)” “Grace of Monaco (2014),” “The Tournament (2015),” “Mère et fille, California Dream (2016),” and “Shadow Parties (2021).”  Her short film “Soixante-Dix” was screened at the Cannes Film Festival in 2012. Magdalena Korpas is also an artist.  She works in photography, installation, and oil painting. She is fluent in Polish, French and English and currently lives and works between France, UK, and Poland.

关于本系列 About this Series


What happens when a woman looks at the world with her own eyes, and expresses by her own thoughts? What’s the difference between the dominating “male gaze” and the “female gaze” that observes and contemplates? When a woman thinks, writes, desires, and creates, what is she trying in fact to say and achieve behind this “female gaze?” 


For this series, we invite 12 women filmmakers, writers and artists from different countries and cultural backgrounds, to share with us their creative process and life experiences as women creators, through eight talks.  Whether alone or in conversation with another, the guest speakers will help us “turn the look back,” to discover the creative source power that we all have in us.


“Anything may happen when womanhood has ceased to be a protected occupation,” said the British writer Virginia Woolf.  All genders can create films with a female gaze. All female gaze expresses a certain awareness and awakening in its singular uniqueness. This talk series will take an approach of artistic exchange and sharing, rather than an academic and theoretic lecture. We’ll hear the women filmmakers’ authentic stories of creation, from the “Dogma 95” film movement to behind the scenes of the contemporary documentary, fiction, and art video production. Often multi-talented and crossing different art forms: writer, director, producer, actress, cinematographer, choreographer, dramaturge, poet, artist, these women creators use their art, thoughts, and experiences to bring us a new perspective for the future.


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