【Zoom 活动】女性电影人的女性凝视第八场:面向未来,11月30日,周三,18:30

【Zoom 活动】女性电影人的女性凝视第八场:面向未来,11月30日,周三,18:30


上海美国中心 | Shanghai American Center 
The Female Gaze of Women Filmmakers Talk Series Session 8: Towards the future

Time: Wednesday, November 30, 18:30 

Online access: You can join Zoom app using Meeting ID 16015840305
What’s the “female gaze”? What does it mean? Why are there more and more women filmmakers/creators using this term to explain their work? Looking or being looked at, observing or being observed, is there a conscious choice behind the gaze?
11月30日,在“女性电影人的女性凝视”论谈系列的最后一期,影像制作人 Sophia Liu 将对话艺术家兼编舞Olga Merekina,通过她们的作品探讨“女性凝视”作为未来视角的可能性。他们将通过影像制作、现场表演、身体运动等话题与我们分享她们作品背后的艺术理念和创作过程。
On November 30, the last session of our talk series “The female gaze of women filmmakers,” filmmaker Sophia Liu will have conversation with artist and choreographer Olga Merekina, to discuss the “Female gaze” as a possibility for future perspectives through their work. They will share with us the artistic concepts and creative process behind their work, through topics such as filmmaking, performance, body, and movement.
This event will be conducted in English.
关于嘉宾 About the Speakers
  • Sophia Liu

Sophia Liu 是一位导演、制片人和编剧。她曾旅居巴黎学习艺术史、电影、戏剧和传播学,新索邦大学戏剧研究硕士学位。作为女性影像制作人,她的个人作品经常涉及性别问题、爱情中的范式转移和诗意视角等。她是世岚文化的创始人,通过视听和文化艺术项目专注于艺术和文化领域。
Sophia Liu is a filmmaker, producer, and screenwriter. She has studied art history, cinema, theatre, and communications in Paris. She holds a master’s degree in theatre studies from University of Sorbonne Nouvelle. As a woman filmmaker, her personal works often address gender issues, paradigm shift in love and poetic perspective etc. She is the founder of SL Studio, with focus in art & culture fields through audiovisual and cultural / art projects.
  • Olga Merekina

Olga Merekina 是一位旅居上海的编舞、艺术家和教育工作者。她于2014年毕业于中国美术学院(杭州)跨媒体艺术学院。她着迷于将身体运动作为一种教育和艺术媒介——一种认识、思考和告知的方式。她的硕士论文探讨了通过舞蹈进行跨文化交流的问题。她的艺术项目探索社会和环境问题,作品曾在上海昊美术馆、上海当代艺术馆、上海玻璃博物馆和乌镇戏剧节上展演。
Olga Merekina is a choreographer, artist and educator based in Shanghai. She graduated from the School of Intermedia Art at the China Academy of Art (Hangzhou) in 2014. She is fascinated by movement as an educational and artistic medium — a way of knowing, thinking, and informing. Her master's thesis explored the problems of intercultural communication through dance. Her artistic projects explore social and environmental issues, while her works were presented in HOW Art Museum, MoCA Shanghai, Shanghai Museum of Glass, and Wuzhen Theater Festival.
关于本系列 About this Series

What happens when a woman looks the world with her own eyes, and expresses by her own thoughts? What’s the difference between the “male gaze” that dominates and the “female gaze” that observes and contemplates? When a woman thinks, writes, desires, and creates, what is she trying to say and achieve indeed behind this “female gaze”?
For this series, we will invite 12 women filmmakers, writers and artists from different countries and cultural backgrounds, are going to share with us their creating process and life experiences as women creators, through 8 sessions of talk series event. Whether alone or in conversation with another, the guest speakers will help us “turn the look back”, to discover the creative source power that we all have in us.
“Anything may happen when womanhood has ceased to be a protected occupation.” said the British writer Virginia Woolf. All genders can create films with a female gaze. All female gaze expresses a certain awareness and awakening in its singular uniqueness. This talk series will take an approach of artistic exchange and sharing, rather than an academic and theoretic lecture. We’ll hear the women filmmakers’ authentic creating stories, from the “Dogma 95” film movement to the behind-scenes of the contemporary documentary, fiction, and art video production. Often multi-talented and crossing different art forms: writer, director, producer, actress, cinematographer, choreographer, dramaturge, poet, artist… These women creators will use their art, thoughts, and experiences to bring us a new perspective towards the future.


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