





Just worry about making the best decisions possible, recognizing that no matter what you do, most everyone will think you're doing something-- or many things-- wrong. It is human nature for people to want you to believe their own opinions and to get angry at you if you don't, even when they have no reason to believe that their opinions are good. So, if you're leading well, you shouldn't be surprised if people disagree with you. The important thing is for you to be logical and objective in assessing your probabilities of being right.

It is not illogical or arrogant to believe that you know better than the average person, so long as you are appropriately open-minded. In fact, it is not logical to believe that what the average person thinks is better than what you and the most insightful people around you think, because you have earned your way into your higher-than-average position and you and those insightful people are more informed than the average person. If the opposite were true, then you and the average man shouldn't have your respective jobs. In other words, if you don't have better insights than them, you shouldn't be a leader-- and if you do have better insights than them, don't worry if you are doing unpopular things.

So how should you deal with your people? Your choices are either to ignore them (which will lead to resentment and your ignorance of what they are thinking), blindly do what they want (which wouldn't be a good idea), or encourage them to bring their disagreements to the surface and work through them so openly and reasonably that everyone will recognize the relative merits of your thinking. Have the open disagreement and be happy to either win or lose the thought battles, as long as the best ideas win out. I believe that an idea meritocracy will not only produce better results than other systems but will also ensure more alignment behind appropriate yet unpopular decisions.

瑞·达利欧官方微信公众号: raydalio_

《每日原则》为瑞·达利欧(Ray Dalio) 原创,



每日原则:建造你的机器每日原则:获取足够程度的理解每日原则:像公司的拥有者那样思考,要求你的同事也这样做每日原则:在无法充分完成职责时,将问题提交给上级解决,让你的下属也积极主动这样做每日原则:换到新岗位前,要让员工“完成职责”每日原则:问责以了解问题会不会突然发生每日原则:指定员工负责发现问题,给他们时间进行审查每日原则:管理者必须确保自己负责的领域运转有效每日原则:别被新奇的事物分散注意力每日原则:发现问题,不容忍问题双声子 鹰啸每日原则:别想当然地认为员工的答案都是正确的每日原则:要学会明察秋毫曾经的厅官每日原则:优秀的领导一般不是表面上看起来那么简单每日原则:利用“每日更新”来了解团队成员的行为和思想每日原则:管理你的下属就好比是在“一起滑雪”躺平的诉求每日原则:不要让员工尸位素餐每日原则:避免下沉现象每日原则:不要对所有人等同视之,要合理对待、有所区别每日原则:不要把某人所处环境的优劣与其应对方法的优劣混为一谈你鼓舞了我——冷明每日原则:如果你不担心,你就要担心了;如果你担心,你就不必担心国内的食品每日原则:不放过一个可疑线索每日原则:某个人“不适合某个岗位”时,要考虑是否有更适合他的空缺,还是你需要让他们离开公司每日原则:不要害怕解决难题每日原则:让问责过程透明,而非私下问责每日原则:记住谁负什么责任每日原则:要像评估应聘者一样严格评估员工每日原则:关心员工每日原则:明确职责每日原则:问责过程要触及你直接下属的下一级每日原则:你的政策应当是你的原则的自然延伸