经济学人财经 | 投资大亨唱衰石油股
感谢思维导图作者May Li
May Li,我要去追逐心中的太阳,北大临床心理备考中
Inessential oils
Inessential oils
A contrarian investor on the dangers of investing in oil stocks
LATE LAST year Jeremy Grantham, an investor routinely described as “legendary”, spoke about ESG (environmental, social and governance) investing at a conference in London. His presentation was slick; his accent floated somewhere in the mid-Atlantic (Mr Grantham is English but has lived in America for ages). “I love S and G,” he began. “But E is about survival.”
去年年末,传奇投资者杰里米·格兰瑟姆于伦敦的一场会议上谈到了ESG投资 (环境,社会和公司治理)。他依旧伶牙俐齿,时而夹杂着些许大西洋中部口音(尽管格兰瑟姆先生是英国人,但已在美国生活了许久)。“虽然我偏好社会和公司治理两大因素,但环境因素决定着生存(才是根本)。”他这样开场道。
1.Jeremy Grantham
2.Mid-Atlantic: 大西洋中部地区口音(兼备英美发音特征的口音)
Three-letter abbreviations have been a constant in Mr Grantham’s professional life. He is the G in GMO, which stands for Grantham, Mayo and van Otterloo, the fund-management group he co-founded. His firm has a distinctive philosophy: it favours companies with low share prices relative to measures of fundamental worth, such as cash flows or the value of assets. Mr Grantham owes much of his public profile to his decrying of stockmarket bubbles.
ESG三字缩写可以说伴随了格兰瑟姆先生的职业生涯。GMO公司名字中的G就是指他,(GMO代表Grantham, Mayo和van Otterloo) 格兰瑟姆是这家资产管理公司的联合创始人)。公司秉承着独特的投资理念:相较于现金流或者资产价值等一些内在价值标准来衡量公司,它更青睐于低股价的企业。公众对格兰瑟姆的形象认知很大程度上源自于其对股市泡沫的抨击。
Decry: 公开谴责,强烈抨击
This sort of hard-headed, long-termist approach also informs Mr Grantham’s views on environmental policy. And his conclusion is that investors should avoid owning oil stocks.
hard-headed:practical and able to make difficult decisions without letting your emotions affect your judgment. eg:a hard-headed business tycoon.
It is a call that raises hackles. Committees that set investment policies for pension funds fear that if they shun oil stocks it will be harder to reach their financial goals. Mr Grantham checked the data to find out whether, and how much, omitting the stocks of any industry over three decades would have hurt a hypothetical investor. He created synthetic portfolios that left out each of the ten broad stockmarket sectors and compared their returns with the market as a whole.
Hackles:erectile hairs along an animal’s back, which rise when it is angry or alarmed.
The results were surprising: it made hardly any difference. The s&p index returned an average of 9.71% annually between 1989 and 2017; the index excluding energy stocks returned 9.74%. The range of returns, from the worst portfolio to the best, was just 0.5 percentage points.
This finding seemed like it might be a fluke. But a further check, going back to 1925, had a similar outcome. The spread between the best and worst portfolios was 0.54 percentage points; there was hardly any gap between the portfolio with energy stocks and without them (see chart). This is worth knowing, whatever your views on esg. The market, it seems, has done rather a good job over time of pricing stocks so that no broad industry group yields abnormal returns.
1.fluke:a stroke of luck侥幸、幸运
2.ESG:Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) refers to the three central factors in measuring the sustainability and societal impact of an investment in a company or business. ESG投资是环境(Environmental)、社会责任(Social)、公司治理(Governance)的缩写,是提倡责任投资和弘扬可持续发展的新兴投资方式。即在投资过程中除了要考察企业的基本面和财务指标,还要将环境、社会责任和公司治理因素纳入考虑范围,
Mr Grantham believes that oil might yet prove an exception. Oil demand has already peaked in rich countries and, as climate fears grow and green technologies become cost-effective, it will eventually peak worldwide. But not everyone is keenly focused on this prospect. Scepticism regarding climate science is common in America. To the extent that sceptics are investors, and are betting on business as usual, at least some of the risks facing Big Oil may not be in the price.
Big Oil:石油巨头,一般指世界上资本或企业规模巨大的石油集团公司,而最大的五至六家石油集团公司,亦被称为“石油超级巨头”(英语:supermajor或super major),包括英国石油公司、埃克森美孚公司、荷兰皇家壳牌、雪佛龙石油公司、康菲石油公司和道达尔石油公司等等,有时也被描述为形成影响美国国会的石油帮集团的一部分。
Investors might, for instance, miscalculate the speed of transition to greener energy. Advances in materials science and battery technology are making electric vehicles a cost-effective alternative to petrol-fuelled cars, Mr Grantham reckons. Other potential hazards face oil companies, including increased regulation and costly lawsuits. In other industries, such as tobacco, firms have been forced to pay up when found to have knowingly sold harmful products. He thinks the oil industry faces a similar reckoning.
Is there also a moral case for disinvestment? An argument against is that oil firms are best placed to speed the transition to solar and wind power. They have experience of managing big projects in difficult terrain. And many would say that dumping oil stocks is a pointless salve to the eco-warrior’s conscience. Bill Gates, a software mogul and philanthropist, has argued that people should not waste idealism and energy on a policy that will not cause any reduction in the use of fossil fuels. What matters are incentives set by governments: tax breaks to fund research in green energy; tax rises to discourage carbon use. But this misses the point, says Mr Grantham: “You have to make the oil industry a pariah for bad behaviour.” Only then will politicians feel the need to act.
A lot of finance types quietly suspect that greenery is anti-capitalism in metastatic form. Mr Grantham is clearly not of this anti-business persuasion. That makes it far harder to dismiss his arguments out of hand. “This is the first time that a major industry has been put on notice that it is going out of business, even if it may take a long time,” he says. His arguments pose a challenge to investors: do you really want to go along for such a bumpy ride?
Jerry, 男,金融专业研究生,经济学人铁粉
Ashley,女,金融硕士,爱宠物 爱英语,爱旅游,经济学人粉丝
而后扔了一个相反的观点,即认为可能石油股的风险并没有被price in,即要求回报率比实际要求的风险回报率来得低,所以估值比实际来得高,而如果这个说法成立的话,那股价应该要比现在来得低。
支撑这个说法的观点是,green energy在未来会逐渐替代生物能源。但是这个说法站不住脚,如果你认为A迟早会被B替代,那么理论上所有行业都处在被革新的潜在压力存在。只不过在能源行业,受到全球气温压力和电动车行业等压力侵蚀,需求会日渐趋弱。但是人们通常还是会夸大一个新兴行业的未来前景,这是由于对于未来的乐观精神、错误估计和认知偏差,但是任何技术难题都是需要一代代科研人员去攻克的,技术需要一代代迭代,清洁能源是一个美好的愿景,但是美好的愿景需要内生增长里驱动孕育,有时候过犹不及,19世纪人们觉得铁路会极大改变人类生活,21世纪初人们觉得网络科技会极大改变人类未来的生活,现在人们觉得电动能源会极大人类生活,在拉长时间的情况是正确的,但是以十年二十年来衡量,那么就会有过多的盲目乐观被price in。
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