


上海美国中心 | Shanghai American Center

Shanghai American Center International Women Film Festival Screening: Lei

Time: Wednesday, March 15, 18:30-20:30

地点:上海美国中心(南京西路 1376 号上海商城东峰 540 室)
Venue: Shanghai American Center, Room 540, East Tower, 1376 West Nanjing Rd


In honor of International Women’s Day in March, a group of consulates and institutes in Shanghai are organizing a film festival to highlight the accomplishment of women in film. The films are from different countries, showing the struggles, accomplishments, and diverse lives of women in in various cultural contexts. 

上海美国中心联合荷兰驻上海总领事馆于3月15日周三晚6:30放映中国纪录片“蕾”, 本片是关于一位女艺术家和她的试管宝宝的故事。雷蕾,是一位个性独立,拥有令人钦佩勇气的女艺术家。和男友分手后,她独自远赴海外做了试管婴儿,有了自己想要的宝宝。这是一部关于她的影片,记录了她最近几年的一些生活片段。本片的拍摄得到了荷兰驻华大使馆的支持。
On March 15 at 6:30 p.m., the Shanghai American Center will screen the documentary “Lei” in partnership with the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Shanghai. “Lei” tells the story of an artist and her child conceived through assisted reproductive technologies. Lei Lei is a female experimental artist. After breaking up with her boyfriend, she visited a sperm bank in order to select the ideal donor for her IVF baby. This film is about her life over the past two years. The documentary was supported by the Netherlands Embassy in Beijing.  

本片导演刘晓芳,生于山西省大同市,是一位摄影师和纪录片导演。她毕业于中央美术学院摄影系,现工作生活于北京。2010年,她的摄影作品《我记得》参加瑞士Musée de l'Elysée举办的群展。2015年,在罗马Visionarea art space举办个展《未来记忆》。2022年,她执导的电影《蕾》入围洛杉矶第十八届中美电影节。
Liu Xiaofang, born in Datong city, Shanxi Province, is a Chinese photographer and documentary director. She graduated from the Photography Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and now works and lives in Beijing. In 2010, her work “I remember” participated in the group exhibition held by Museé de l 'Elysée, Switzerland. In 2015, a solo exhibition “Future Memory” was held at the Visionarea art space in Rome. In 2022, her film “LEI” was nominated for the 18th Chinese-American Film Festival in Los Angeles. 

Mrs. Marjo Crompvoets, Consul General of the Netherlands in Shanghai, will give an opening speech.  Film director Liu Xiaofeng and Lei Lei will join online after screening for Q&A (in Chinese). 

The film is in Chinese with English subtitles.


Masks are not currently required to attend Shanghai American Center events, but audience members are encouraged to feel comfortable wearing them if they wish. Please be sure to RSVP if you intend to come.  Programs begin on time and seats are subject to space availability. If the room is full when you arrive, you might not be granted entry, even if you RSVP'd. We can only seat the first 80 guests at this time.

Doors will open and security screening will commence 15 minutes before the program starts. You must bring a valid physical photo ID in order to enter the Shanghai American Center (ShAC). Copies or pictures of IDs will not be accepted. 

All belongings carried into the ShAC will be scanned during security screening. While guests may not bring laptop computers to Shanghai American Center programs, portable electronic devices, such as mobile phones, iPads and other tablets, and smartwatches are permitted.

Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Consulate Shanghai Press Office. Additionally, audio or video recording of the program will not be permitted.

All program participants grant the Shanghai American Center and the U.S. Department of State permission to publish, exhibit, edit, alter, copy, or distribute their likeness in a photograph in any and all publications for Government or non-government purposes, including website entries and any lawful purpose, without payment, approval, or any other consideration in perpetuity.

Staff of the ShAC reserve all rights to refuse entry.


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