


上海美国中心 | Shanghai American Center

Shanghai American Center Screening Documentary: Harbor from the Holocaust

Time: Wednesday, April 19, 19:00-21:00

地点:上海美国中心(南京西路 1376 号上海商城东峰 540 室)
Venue: Shanghai American Center, Room 540, East Tower, 1376 West Nanjing Rd


上海美国中心将于4月19日晚播放获奖纪录片《大屠杀的港湾》。这部影片由Violet Du Feng导演,马友友演奏,讲诉了二战期间近两万名犹太难民逃离纳粹占领下的欧洲,来到中国港口城市上海的故事。影片探讨了上海与犹太移民的复杂关系,突出了这座城市对逃离纳粹迫害的犹太人的欢迎。放映后我们会连线影片导演Violet Du Feng,与观众见面并参与同观众的讨论问答。
On the evening of Wednesday, April 19, the Shanghai American Center will screen documentary “Harbor from the Holocaust.” The film, directed by Violet Du Feng with music played by Yo-Yo Ma, tells the story of nearly 20,000 Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II, to the Chinese port city of Shanghai. It explores Shanghai's complex association with Jewish immigrants, focusing on its welcoming of Jews fleeing Nazi persecution. Film director Violet Du Feng will join online after the screening for talk and Q&A.

Violet Du Feng是一位荣获艾美奖的独立纪录片制作人。Violet的职业生涯是从《南京》的联合制片人开始的,该片获得了2007年圣丹斯特别评审团奖,一个皮博迪奖和一个艾美奖。出生在上海,常驻在纽约,Violet拥有新闻学学士学位,并在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校获得广播新闻学硕士学位。
Violet Du Feng is an Emmy Award-winning independent documentarian. Violet started her career as a co-producer on the critically acclaimed Nanking, which won a 2007 Sundance Special Jury Award, a Peabody and an Emmy. Born in Shanghai and based in New York, Violet holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and received her Master in Broadcast Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley.

The film is in English with Chinese subtitles.


Masks are not currently required to attend Shanghai American Center events, but audience members are encouraged to feel comfortable wearing them if they wish. Please be sure to RSVP if you intend to come.  Programs begin on time and seats are subject to space availability. If the room is full when you arrive, you might not be granted entry, even if you RSVP'd. We can only seat the first 80 guests at this time.

Doors will open and security screening will commence 15 minutes before the program starts. You must bring a valid physical photo ID in order to enter the Shanghai American Center (ShAC). Copies or pictures of IDs will not be accepted. 

All belongings carried into the ShAC will be scanned during security screening. While guests may not bring laptop computers to Shanghai American Center programs, portable electronic devices, such as mobile phones, iPads and other tablets, and smartwatches are permitted.

Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Consulate Shanghai Press Office. Additionally, audio or video recording of the program will not be permitted.

All program participants grant the Shanghai American Center and the U.S. Department of State permission to publish, exhibit, edit, alter, copy, or distribute their likeness in a photograph in any and all publications for Government or non-government purposes, including website entries and any lawful purpose, without payment, approval, or any other consideration in perpetuity.

Staff of the ShAC reserve all rights to refuse entry.


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